A woman in grey jacket standing next to other people.

According to a Gartner study of employees from across the U.S., only 13 percent of employees are largely satisfied with their work experiences.

Additionally, nearly half (46 percent of employees) are largely dissatisfied with their work experiences.

% of employees that are largely SATISFIED with their work experiences
% of employees that are largely DISSATISFIED with their work experiences

Many leaders are unprepared to meet the business issues they face now and in the future.

In addition, a survey conducted by Adecco Group found that the global workforce has never felt more disconnected from their organizations and leaders.

Developing leaders is the greatest human capital challenge facing organizations today.

Now more than ever we need strong leaders that build relationships that connect a team together and align to a clear purpose, demonstrating and promoting effective communication, problem-solving and creativity.

A group of people holding puzzle pieces in the air.

Reach and Achieve believes that leadership development is a process that’s foundation is built on Individual Awareness and self-knowledge. The power in leadership is not the position but, in the ability, to stand firm in who you are while knowing and acting on what’s important now and for the future while building relationships to help those you lead to continually expand themselves and the company.

Our Leadership Development Programs combine validated behavioral assessments and developmental coaching with an understanding of the skills and experiences required for success. Talent management needs are constantly in flux, requiring a customized approach and a keen awareness of the challenges and opportunities ahead. We view leadership development as an ongoing process that must be aligned with the company’s strategic goals and culture.